
My heart-calling is "teacher," so I have a lot to say...with love, of course. Always, through a lens of LOVE!

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Discovering Hidden Passions: The Power of Boredom

Aug 26, 2023

As supporter of young people, one of the age-old questions we've posed to our children is, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" Yet, in today's ...

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The Time I had an Ally for a teacher, but walked out of class

Sep 27, 2021

**Storytime** Can we have a little chat?
I have noticed that there is a key element missing in discussions about race by both Allies and teachers of co...

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Black Children Need Advocates

May 14, 2021
Let's remember that Diversity and Inclusion learning is for the purpose of creating true equality and improving the lives of Black people and people
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How to Raise an Upstander Not a Bystander

Apr 02, 2021

First thing's first, we all make mistakes. Some of us may even feel triggered or paralyzed when it comes to speaking up for ourselves or others. 


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Qualities to look for in a Best Friend

Mar 31, 2021
A lot of people are experiencing breakdowns in friendships these days.
So, are teens and younger people.
In fact, when I asked teens what th
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Do you have a healthy friendship or trauma bond

Feb 09, 2021
Last Spring, while the world was still open and I was traveling, I asked Teens in each country I went to what they really wished schools taught them
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The Inspiring Conversation I had with My students about the Inauguration

Feb 07, 2021
I recently had a conversation about the inauguration with a group of teen students, that had some of us in tears.
You see, a lot of teens an
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Parenting Triggers: Why You are Angry with your Child

Feb 04, 2021
***Do you ever feel jealous of your child?***
Last week, my friends Genie,Nyota and I had conversations about experiences that parents often
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Ways to Date your Friends and Family

Jan 05, 2021

Everyone's Love Language includes Quality Time right now. Everyone.

(Even if we have yet to fully embrace it.)


Seriously, we are all craving conn...

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All Self-Harm Isn't Physical

Dec 15, 2020

**Self-Harm isn't always physical***

I have to admit that I feel very nervous about this post. But, it is also giving you a deep look into some o

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