Do you have a healthy friendship or trauma bond

Last Spring, while the world was still open and I was traveling, I asked Teens in each country I went to what they really wished schools taught them. The same answer kept coming up over and over, no matter what their culture was: "Friendships."
"People assume that we know how to make friends and how to handle our friendships, but we have no idea."
"Most of my stress comes from my friendships."
"I feel like all of my friendships are surface level."
"Honestly, I think most of my friends are actually my bullies and I don't really know the difference."
The conversations were powerful and eye-opening. I am happy to say that I have a quest especially for teens that will be released through Mindvalley very soon.
However, as I edit the assets for the program, I wanted to share some of the resources with you...because no more than ever, friendships are growing more difficult.
Also, with the amount of stress and confusion, so many people are not quite sure of ways to handle their emotions in a healthy way. We have to talk to our young people about trauma bonds, toxic bonds, healthy bonds, boundaries, self-love... all of it.
This is just one small part of that conversation.
I recommend: Using these guides to have conversations with the young people in your life. However, lead with your own vulnerability first. Tell stories of the trauma bonds you have had in your life.







I have had to separate myself from not only high school friends but also family members because we no longer fit. I would fall into old eating habits or even shrink into a smaller version of myself around them. Tell your stories. Vulnerability is a mighty gift.
With love,

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