
My heart-calling is "teacher," so I have a lot to say...with love, of course. Always, through a lens of LOVE!

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Show Me A Book

Apr 04, 2021
How diverse is your book collection, really?
"Show me a book" is a game I like to play with my students online. I yell out a description...
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3 Ways to Make Online Learning Feel like โ€œNormalโ€ School (The Good Kind)

Mar 16, 2021

This is my third pandemic and each time I had such an experience, I have tried to study my students to figure out ways to make things better for...

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What is Educational Trauma and How are we Causing it?

Jan 30, 2021
I always ask for an aisle seat when I fly.
Yes, I would prefer to look out the window. But, not as much as it gives me anxiety to ask...
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HELP! Online learning is affecting my child's physical health!

Jan 03, 2021

Constant screen time is not the ideal for any of us. 

Even when we, educators, try our best to make the learning experience engaging, there...

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What to do when your student (or someone you know) has tested POSITIVE for COVID

Dec 22, 2020

A teacher recently reached out to me to ask what to say when a student tests positive.
This is now happening more often than not and we all, not...

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5 Mindset Shifts to Prepare for Remote Learning

Dec 06, 2020

More schools are closing and even for those that have been closed for a while, I know there are some parents and caregivers out there who are...

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How Parents Can Make Online Learning Fun

Dec 03, 2020

As parents and educators scramble to figure things out this year, I think it's important to highlight that what has been occurring lately in...

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What Moms of My Chinese Students Taught Me about Online Learning

Nov 24, 2020

Today's post is all about ways Chinese Moms have handled virtual lessons that I have taught.
Out of the thousands of online lessons I've held, I...

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How to Make Online Learning Feel Just as Good as "Normal" School

Nov 15, 2020

How to Make Online Learning Feel Just as Good as "Normal" School

I've taught virtually for 7 years and although we have a lot of fun and students...

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How to Teach Older Students in a Pandemic

Nov 09, 2020

I have taught through 2 pandemics. The first was in 2009 during the H1N1 pandemic in South Korea and the second was in 2015 during the MERS...

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