
My heart-calling is "teacher," so I have a lot to say...with love, of course. Always, through a lens of LOVE!

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Is Excessive Reading a Form of Dissociation?

Oct 09, 2022

Hey Fellow Evolved Teacher!

Let's chat about something that may be just a bit triggering.

Last week, I found this post: 

Now, hold on just a minu...

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What Juneteenth means for educators

Jun 18, 2021
Juneteenth is a Federal Holiday. This means much more than a day off for educators.
A day before Juneteenth was approved by Congress to be a
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Books for kids about Juneteenth

Jun 17, 2021

Juneteeth just became one of only 12 Federal Holidays. One of those Holidays (Inauguration Day) only comes around once every 4 years.

As many of you ...

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Jun 11, 2021
Whew, Chile! I have been receiving messages about my Heather Cressey (with two e(s), not one), all da
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Do you know what it means to be an Ally

May 31, 2021
I don't think a lot of people know what it means to be an ally. Let me explain.
What I found is that the word "Ally" means to actually "bind t...
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Let's talk about Tulsa

May 30, 2021
Do you know about "What happened in Tulsa?"
I wish I could tell you that I grew up knowing about Black Wall Street, but I did not. In fact, I have
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Why you shouldn't say "Happy Memorial Day"

May 29, 2021
Every year, some Americans confuse "Memorial Day" with Veterans Day or Labor Day.
But... Memorial Day is a bit different.
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One year after George Floyd's Murder- A Conscious Check-in

May 25, 2021
George Floyd was murdered one year ago today on May 25th, 2020.
It's one of those moments when many of us know what we were doing when we saw th
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My Mom didn't allow use of the word "Hate" in her house

May 17, 2021

My Mom didn't allow use of the word "Hate" in her house.

My mom has always been "big on words."

She is a "say what you mean and mean what you say" t...

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The Origins of Mother's Day

May 09, 2021
Some say that the actual origins of Mother's Day are sad, but I disagree.
Anna Jarvis was a woman who really just wanted to honor her mom. Then,
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