Congratulations! You're ready to Transform and Impact from the stage!

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Get ready to Impact from the stage!

What type of speaker are you?

After giving both TEDx and TED talks, as well as speaking globally, I've come to learn a great deal about public speaking and connecting from the stage. Can I be honest with you, a lot of people have absolutely brilliant content, but there's no connection. I believe this is because there is confusion between the type of speaker many people aspire to be and the type of talks they actually give. Here's my hand...
Let's sit and chat for a bit.

There are 4 types of speakers: Informational, Inspirational, Motivational, and Transformational.

💐Most of your teachers and professors were informational speakers. They delivered the content and focused on one thing- that it was enough for you to understand the content, even if you didn't know how to apply it.
💐 Inspirational speakers move you to want to do...something. You may not know how or what, but you are moved.
💐 Motivational speakers get you moving. They hit your pain points. Gary Vee is one of my favorite Motivational Speakers. 
💐Transformational speakers not only inspire you, but they move you to act and steer you towards applying the content in your life immediately. Lisa Nichols is my favorite transformational speaker.

Let's make this simple: You can tell if someone has attended a motivational talk if afterward, they continue to talk about how awesome the speaker is. "Wow, Gary Vee...he really knows how to get things done." You know when someone has attended a transformational talk when they can't stop talking about the shifts in their own lives. "Woah, I saw how small I've been playing during Lisa's talk. I'm going to build my bounce-back muscle now."

Here's the thing. You want to be transformational speakers. You want to completely shift people, yet there's a disconnect. You're motivating people. You're getting them excited. But, you're leaving them hanging. Why do you think that is?

What's your Framework?

Writing a signature talk can be daunting. You have stories upon stories and tons of ideas.  How do you organize them?  Steal my framework and take your talk through the process of "The Journey of 4" as you take your talk from Informational to transformational!


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