Create your impactful course or curriculum with the expert, who is trusted by experts.

I'm In!

This is where your passion, purpose, and innate wisdom align.

There is so much that you know and you've given years to your area of expertise.

But, you don't quite know how to organize the content in a way that would have the greatest amount of impact. It would be AMAZING to have support from someone who has done this before. 

You don't want to just create ANY course or curriculum. You want it to be MAGICAL. 

You want to CHANGE Lives. 

Know this: 

You can absolutely take an idea and create a program or curriculum that transforms lives. You know so much more than you think you know. Not only do people need what you know, they will pay for it and you deserve that. Creating a course can not only change the lives of others but can change your life, as well.

I'm Ready for This!

Make A Difference Everywhere



Hi, I'm Gahmya

I'm a high-level Award-Winning Global curriculum and instructional designer. I can almost guarantee that you've seen my work somewhere. 

I have created learning programs in schools in over 30 countries, designed learning materials for films and New York Times Bestselling Books, and am the go-to expert who helps your favorite expert create live and digital programs that have a huge impact. 


You may have seen my work on the Mindvalley Platform

Whether it was LIVE at Mindvalley University

Collaborating with Vishen Lakhiani to design this program for teens using his New York Times Bestselling Book

or My Own Course that guides teens in building strong social connections

Marisa Peer- Top Therapist in the UK

I LOVE that I have the opportunity to work with people I also adore! I have designed beautiful content with Marisa and other Top Leaders.

In class and Virtual Learning Curriculums in Schools All over the world

This particular curriculum was designed for an advanced preschool in India. After building the curriculums for the entire school, I was given part ownership. The right curriculum can truly change lives.


Your Invitation:

This is a love offering

Typically to either review or outline a curriculum, program, or script, my fee starts at $10,000.  Programs I create often require an investment of up to $45,000 or more if I am also added my own intellectual property or ideas to the curriculum. The thing is, many people believe that they can create a course or curriculum. But, very few can actually make those experiences impactful, with a low drop rate, and extraordinary results. I'm one of those few people. 

Every few years, I offer an experience for a small group of people to learn with me. I make my fees extremely affordable and I take your hand.  

This offer is only available to one person.

VIP - DONE WITH YOU- Course experience. You get to work one-on-one with me. (June)

(Only 1 spot available. $500 discount for the next 2 days or until sold out. Price increases to $6,600)

Option that Includes Masterclass

Having a Masterclass/Presentation is gold because schools will often ask for this FIRST before deciding whether or not to use your full program. Also, in the beginning, educators will often request that you are brought in as a paid speaker to conduct a "PD" (Personal Development) training to pitch your idea to the principal. 

Your Masterclass can often be used for trainings for afterschool programs, Boys and Girls Clubs, Girls Scout Troups, etc.